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How to Install WordPress & WooCommerce?

Estimated reading: 1 minute 69 views

To install WordPress or WooCommerce on a new website:

Login to Website Control Panel.

  1. Open Websites in the left sidebar
  2. Select Add website
  3. When the form loads select either “Add WordPress Site“, “Install an app” or “Clone a Website
  4. Complete the form and select Add to finish

a) “Add WordPress Site to Install New WordPress Website.

b) Select “Install an app” to Install WordPress and WooCommerce together.

c) Type User credentials, you can generate random passwords by clicking on the “key” symbol.

#Install on an existing website

WordPress can be installed on any domain, including add-ons, alias, and subdomains.

To install WordPress on an existing website:

  1. Open Websites in the left sidebar
  2. Select the website you would like to install WordPress on
  3. When the website dashboard loads select Apps in the top navigation
  4. Select Install app
  5. Complete the form and select Add to finish
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