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How to login to WordPress admin URL?

Estimated reading: 8 minutes 64 views

Starting a new WordPress website is exciting, yet it requires certain prerequisites. One of the first steps is to install WordPress on your domain. Next, you need to start creating your website.

In this article, our goal is to explain the different approaches for gaining access to your WordPress admin page. Furthermore, we’ll offer practical tips for situations where locating the admin page becomes challenging.

What are the default WordPress Admin Login URLs?

Upon completing the WordPress installation, you will be furnished with the login URL for your site. Yet, if you happen to overlook this information, fret not! There’s an alternative option—make use of the default WordPress admin login URLs:

  • www.websiteamen.com/wp-admin
  • www.websitename.com/admin
  • www.websitename.com/login
  • www.websitename.com/wp-login.php

Note: Replace “websitename.com” with your actual Website name.
All of these URLs will direct you to the same login page for your WordPress Control Panel:

WordPress Admin Login Page Screenshot

At the login page, you need to enter your WordPress username and password which you have set during the installation process.

For WordPress installed on a Subdomain:

If your WordPress site is set on a subdomain, your login URL will look like this:



For WordPress installed in a Subdirectory:

If your WordPress installation resides in a subdirectory, it’s essential to incorporate its name in the URL. For instance, if your site is configured as “example.com/wordpress/”, then the corresponding login URL would be:



Irrespective of the installation location of your WordPress, you have the option to bookmark your login URL. Naturally, there are alternative methods to access your Dashboard. Keep reading to discover more about them.

Use the “Remember me” option

Activating the “Remember me” option on the WordPress login page is a valuable feature. By selecting it, you ensure that your login session persists for an extended period, depending on your browser’s cookie settings.

WordPress Admin Login screenshot with highlight on the "Remember me" option

Add a Login link to your WordPress Website

If you find it challenging to recall your login URL, consider adding a login link to your site. This link can be incorporated into your sidebar, footer, or menu for easy access.

To add your login link to your site’s menu, navigate to Appearance > Menus >Custom Links :

WordPress Admin Login Link to Menu

Another option is to use the Meta widget to add a login link to your site’s footer. To do this, you need to go to Appearance > Widgets and click the “+” sign in the upper-left corner. Afterward, simply drag the Meta widget to the Footer or Sidebar.

WordPress Admin SSO Login For Pop-a-cloudhost Users

Log in to your WordPress Admin from your Pop-a-cloudhost Website Control Panel.

Use the Auto Login feature to log in to your Admin Panel easily, and navigate to the Client Home Area. Click on the Website you wish to manage, you will find the “Login to admin” button for your site. That’s it, it will open a new tab and let you in without a password.

If you have multiple WordPress installations on this site, simply click on the login button corresponding to the specific installation. This action will automatically log you into the respective WordPress admin panel.

How to Secure Your WordPress Login Page?

Now you know how easy it is to find your WordPress website admin login page. Surely, this makes you think about the security of your site. If it is not rocket science for you, it will not be difficult for hackers to log in, too.

That is why we advise you to secure your website. Below, we will list a few security measures you can apply.

Use a strong password

Hackers try different combos of letters, numbers, and symbols to guess your password. A rule of thumb is to always set strong passwords. These are hard to crack and provide better security.

To create a strong password, you can our automated password generator. It can be found within the Under a website > Apps -> Click on “Manage” button Tools:

Scroll down to “Users” section and click on the Key icon once you key in the required user details.

Configure CAPTCHA

A CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) functions as its name suggests. CAPTCHAs present challenges to verify that the user is human, not a bot. This tool ensures that only individuals with the correct login credentials can access your Dashboard, making it a valuable addition to enhance your site’s security.

One of the popular CAPTCHA plugins for WordPress is Google reCAPTCHA. This plugin can protect the following forms of your site:

  • Registration
  • Reset password
  • Login
  • Comment
  • New password
WordPress Admin Login Page Screenshot with highlight on the Captcha

Frequently, WordPress login and registration pages become targets for hackers. Therefore, incorporating CAPTCHA into your forms serves as a protective measure, effectively safeguarding your site from spambots and potential hacking attempts.

Add 2-Factor Authentication

This enhancement forces the site’s admin to require a token before granting access to the WordPress dashboard. The token gets generated by the Google Authenticator application. You can install plugins such as “Duo security” by Cisco and protect your website.

Note: Adding 2-factor authentication will hinder the Autologin ( SSO ) feature.

How to Troubleshoot Issues With Your WordPress Login?

Are you having trouble accessing your WordPress login? Don’t fret! In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to troubleshoot any issues you might be facing when trying to log in to your WordPress site. So, let’s dive in and get you back in the driver’s seat of your website in no time!

Update your WordPress Admin password

As frustrating as it may be, sometimes you may forget your WordPress admin password. Here are several ways to help you change it:

Change your password from the WordPress login screen

WordPress has a built-in feature called “Lost your password?”. You can see it on your WordPress Admin login screen.

WordPress Admin Login "Lost your Password?"

Select the appropriate link and enter your WordPress admin email address. Subsequently, you will receive an email containing instructions to reset your password. Following this process, you should be able to access your WordPress website admin area using your newly set password.

Update your admin password from Website Tools from the Control Panel.

You can also change your WordPress password from Website Tools. Go to Apps > Manage > Scroll to the “Users” section. Then, click on the Edit menu next to the desired admin user >Reset Password.

Change your WordPress password via PHPMyAdmin

You can also change your admin password for WordPress via PHPMyAdmin. You can access it from pop-a-cloudhost website > Domain name > Databases.

Select your database and click on PhpMyAdmin.

Login to PhpMyAdmin is SSO enabled so it’s very easy.

After accessing the tool, locate your WordPress database and search for the wp_users table. Within this table, you’ll find a list of all users for your WordPress site. Locate the specific user you need to modify, and change the Function for user_pass to MD5. Subsequently, update the Value for user_pass with your preferred new password.

Change WordPress Admin Password from PHPMyAdmin

Then simply click the Go button. Your new admin password is now all set.

Reset your WordPress password using WP-CLI

If you are proficient with SSH, you can use WP-CLI to reset your password. When in the root folder for your WordPress, use the following command to find your user ID:

$ wp user list

WP-CLI will output a list with your users and the ID of each user. Having the ID for your user, you can change your password with this command:

$  wp user update id --user_pass=password

Note: You will need to replace “id” with the number of your user ID. Also, replace “password” with the actual password you wish to use.

Reset Cookies and Cache

At times, browser cookies and cache may impede your ability to log in to the WordPress Admin Page.

Cookies error in WordPress Admin Login Page

Deactivate plugins

Frequently, a malfunctioning plugin can disrupt your WordPress admin login, possibly due to conflicting plugins. In such cases, consider resolving the issue by disabling your plugins to identify and address any conflicts.

Since you are having a WordPress login issue, you will not be able to deactivate your plugins from the WordPress Dashboard.

Therefore, you can easily disable your plugins from Applications > Scroll down to Plugins. . You can Deactivate all plugins in this menu.


In this article, we delved into crucial aspects of overseeing your WordPress admin login URL. Our discussion encompassed a range of topics, including discovering the login URL, enhancing security through URL modification, personalizing the login page, addressing common login problems, and fortifying the overall protection of your website.

By adhering to the detailed instructions and incorporating the suggested practices, you can proficiently handle your WordPress admin login URL, gaining enhanced control over your website’s administration.

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