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Acceptable Use Policy

Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: Oct  6, 2023
“pop-a-cloudhost” expects your usage of its Services to adhere to relevant legal requirements and align with our community standards. The aim of this Acceptable Use Policy (“Policy”) is to communicate our expectations regarding your utilization of our Services.
By employing or persisting in the use of a Service, you agree to and consent to the rights, duties, and procedures detailed in this Policy.

Applicability: This Policy is applicable to both you and your Covered Users regarding the Services. You are responsible for:
(i) notifying any other Covered Users, if applicable, about the existence of this Policy, along with any changes, updates, or adjustments made to it; and
(ii) consenting to this Policy, as altered, updated, or amended periodically, on behalf of all Covered Users. This Policy is an integral part of the “pop-a-cloudhost” Terms of Service and serves as a Supplementary Use Policy thereunder. Any capitalized terms not explicitly defined in this Policy can be found in the Master Services Agreement.

Abuse: The Services may exclusively be employed for lawful purposes. Prohibited activities encompass employing any Service for illegal, abusive, fraudulent, or irresponsible activities, including but not limited to:
Generating or disseminating unsolicited bulk email and mailing lists.
Creating an account after prior termination by “pop-a-cloudhost” without our prior written consent.
Disrupting or interfering with any data system, network, computer, or communications system, software application, or network or computing device.
Monitoring data or traffic on any network or system without the express authorization of the system or network owner.
Using false, misleading, or deceptive header information in an email or newsgroup posting.
Utilizing an Internet account or computer without the owner’s consent.
Distributing any advertisement delivery software unless the user expressly consents to its download and installation, and the software can be easily removed using standard tools.
Distributing any application or code that secretly collects or transmits user information.
Illegally collecting or using personally identifiable information or personally identifying information.
Illegally collecting or using financial or health data.
Engaging in any behavior likely to provoke retaliation against “pop-a-cloudhost” or our Representatives, including actions that lead to any server becoming the target of a denial of service attack.
Excessive Use of System Resources: You may not use any shared system provided by “pop-a-cloudhost” in a manner that unreasonably disrupts its normal operation or consumes an undue share of its resources, including cryptocurrency mining without “pop-a-cloudhost”‘s prior written consent. “pop-a-cloudhost” retains the right to quarantine or delete any Data stored on a shared system if it is infected with a virus, corrupted, or has the potential to compromise other Data on the same system.

Vulnerability Testing: You shall not attempt to probe, scan, penetrate, or test the vulnerability of “pop-a-cloudhost” or any Service, or breach pop-a-cloudhost’s security or authentication measures without pop-a-cloudhost’s express written consent. If you need to conduct a penetration test as a “pop-a-cloudhost” customer, please inform us in advance by emailing Support.

Newsgroups, Chat Forums, Other Networks: You must adhere to the rules and conventions governing postings on bulletin boards, chat groups, or other forums in which you participate, including Internet Relay Chat and USENET groups. You must also follow the rules of any other network you access or participate in while using our Services.

Offensive Content: You may not process or link to content that violates applicable laws or pop-a-cloudhost’s community standards, including content that “pop-a-cloudhost”, at its sole discretion, deems to:
Involve child sexual abuse, bestiality, or non-consensual sex acts.
Be excessively violent, incite violence, threaten violence, or contain harassing content or hate speech.
Be unfair or deceptive under consumer protection laws, including chain letters and pyramid schemes.
Be defamatory or violate a person’s privacy.
Pose risks to safety, public health, national security, or interfere with law enforcement investigations.
Improperly disclose trade secrets or other confidential or proprietary information.
Promote illegal drugs, violate export control laws, or relate to illegal gambling or trafficking.
Be otherwise illegal or solicit illegal conduct under applicable laws.

Intellectual Property: You may not use pop-a-cloudhost’s network or services to download, publish, display, distribute, copy, or make available any work protected by law unless you are expressly authorized by the owner or are otherwise authorized by established Intellectual Property law.

Live Events: “pop-a-cloudhost” may prohibit you from streaming live events if, in pop-a-cloudhost’s discretion, there is a risk that the event may violate this Policy.

Use of Assigned Identification: You must only use Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses assigned to you by “pop-a-cloudhost” for your use of the Services. You agree that if a “pop-a-cloudhost”-assigned IP address linked to your Account is listed on an abuse database, you will be considered in violation of this Policy, and “pop-a-cloudhost” may take reasonable actions to protect our IP addresses, including suspending or terminating your service, regardless of whether the IP addresses were listed due to your actions.
If you register a Domain Name System (“DNS”) record or zone on a “pop-a-cloudhost”-managed or operated Service for a domain for which you are not the registrant or administrative contact according to the registrar’s WHOIS system, “pop-a-cloudhost” may, upon request from the registrant or administrative contact according to the registrar’s WHOIS system, modify, transfer, or delete such records or zones.
You are prohibited from registering for any Service under a false name or using an invalid or unauthorized credit card in connection with any Service.

Enforcement and Violation Consequences: Violating any provision of this Policy, whether a single instance or repeated occurrences, may lead to immediate interruption, suspension, or termination of your access to and use of the Services at “pop-a-cloudhost”‘s sole discretion. You acknowledge, understand, and agree that “pop-a-cloudhost” is not obliged to issue warnings, reprimands, or undergo any formal or informal procedures before interrupting, suspending, and/or terminating the Services.

Service Credits: No service credit will be available under the Terms of Service for interruptions, suspensions, or terminations of service resulting from or related to any violation of this Policy.

Changes: Amendments to this Policy may occur at any time, and you should regularly check for updates. “pop-a-cloudhost” retains the right and capability to amend this Policy at its sole and absolute discretion, with such amendments becoming effective within fourteen (14) days of being posted by “pop-a-cloudhost” or upon your continued use of the Services, whichever is later.