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Odoo ERP

Odoo Configuration Guide

Estimated reading: 5 minutes 114 views

The very first step is to purchase your plan on our website, at https://www.popacloudhost.com/odoo .

We offer 22 different server locations worldwide. Provision a Cloud Server in a region of your choice and follow the detailed installation steps provided below for a seamless and expedited setup process.

All it requires is ensuring you have the necessary prerequisites in place, and you’re all set in 5 minutes.

1. Prerequisites: 

Note: The Linux tools discussed in this post, such as Odoo Manager (odoo_mgr) and others, are proprietary utilities developed by PCH. These tools are designed to streamline the management of your Odoo Community Edition (CE) instance when using Docker, making the process significantly easier.

1.1 DNS Registration

If you do not already own a domain that you plan to use for this deployment, you will need to purchase one:

We sell Cheap Domain Registration on our website, Please check it out if you need a personalized URL for your company and brand.

Once your domain is registered, you need to create two Host (A) records pointing to your server’s Public IP e.g.  

1) somehost.[domain].com , Public IP: < for Odoo console
2) c.somehost.[domain].com pointing to the same IP. < for Host Web Console

Alternatively, We can also provision URLs from our domain pool absolutely FREE if you don’t need your personalized domain.

Select this option during the purchase :

1.2 Prepare Email IDs  

Initial Setup for LetsEncrypt SSL (TLS) Certificates requires you to provide just an Email ID.

This is where you will receive LetsEncrypt certificate-related notifications

You also may want to set up Outgoing and Incoming Servers in your Odoo instance, you can do it at a later stage once your Instance is up and running

You can use Sendgrid or similar services or your official email Server Settings.

Once you are ready, with an Email and Domain proceed with the next step. 

Configuration Process

It takes only 2-3 minutes to setup your Odoo V17 CE Instance.

Step 2.1:  Login on your Instance.

Your Odoo instance receives a dedicated IP. Login to our portal with your login credentials and note down your Instance Public IP. Now from your Laptop or Desktop Use a Browser or Tools like putty/ ssh connect to your provisioned Odoo Instance. 

If you prefer, You can connect using a lightweight web console.

This is a very handy way to access your server console with basic live monitoring metrics, you can also use it on your mobile or tablet.

browse http://[IP address]/console/pch/ , note the trailing “/”

Now click on the “Terminal” tab on the left-hand pane.

This will open an SSH session automatically and Odoo Manager Utility will display. If you exit the tool, enter “sudo odoo_mgr” to return back to the tool menu.

Select the very first “Setup 1″ Option to set the time-zone to match with your location . Select “Setup 2” to configure your Odoo server, and now type a Website FQDN you registered. eg. odoo.example.com and an email ID for your LetsEcrypt Certificates issuance.

Press “Enter” to configure your instance. The Setup will complete the initial host setup and display a success message with a status.

Note: If you are running Setup using Server PCH Console, you might see the below message as the process also restarts Web Service, in this case just refresh the page or click on reconnect and you will be back to the console.

At this stage, your Odoo ERP instance is READY and Odoo is accessible on the internet.

Now, Browse your Instance registered Domain URL and complete the initial Odoo DB setup. Make sure you take note of your instance details.

e.g. https://odoo.example.com as per the above example

You need a Master Password which is a randomly generated password by the system and you can view that using this command: “sudo show_adminpass”

Eg. $sudo show_adminpass

Copy the whole string and paste it into the “Master Password” field.

Fill in all the other relevant required details as shown below. The below screenshot is just an example.

IMP: Note that the Email ID you define in the “Email” field becomes your Odoo Console Admin Account, note the password you defined here. Also, Make sure you note down the DB name you mention, and your Master password which you copied from the earlier step. These details are helpful when you restore your backup for recovery.

Click on “Create database” and That’s it.

It will redirect you to the Odoo Login page and Now you will see your first login screen, Use the Email and password combination you used to create the database in the previous step.

and You are all set!

Start your Odoo Journey and configure any application you prefer.

* Check out Official Odoo document for more information here https://www.odoo.com/documentation/17.0/

Step 2.2: Disable Database Manager

Once you have set up your Odoo Instance, by default “Database Manager” and “Database Selector” are exposed and enabled.

Use the Odoo Manager tool to Disable and Enable according to your requirements.

eg .https://[odoo.example.com]/web/database/manager  and  https://[odoo.example.com]/web/database/selector

It’s always advisable to disable it if you are not going to perform any database backup restore activities.

Manage Odoo Service

3.1 Check Odoo Service Status


$sudo odoo_service status

3.2 Stop/Start Odoo Service


To Stop the service $sudo odoo_service stop

To Start the Service $sudo odoo_service start

To Restart the Service $sudo odoo_service restart

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